Red T-shirt with picture of an AAC communication board text reads I'm open to talk

Augmentative and Alternative Communication #AAC

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) refers to methods non-verbal people use to communicate instead of oral speech. These can include

    •    Gestures (moving the body) 
    •    Sign language (hand shapes and movements) 
    •    Picture boards
    •    Speech-generating devices (such as smartphones or tablets)
    •    Communication books

People of all ages can use AAC if they struggle with language or speech skills. Some people use AAC briefly, like after surgery when they can't speak, while others use it throughout their lives. 

The most critical aspect of AAC is to treat it and the person who uses it with equal respect and attention as oral speech. launched a line of AAC Tee's to raise awareness that all forms of communication are valuable 
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